Thursday, July 3, 2014

With all eyes on the World Cup, can we score more than just goals?

Beer suds and team chants aside, the World Cup is a rare opportunity to unite diverse populations across borders; if only international development could garner the same attention. Brazilians successfully turned the lens on the situation in their own country in the lead up to the Cup by leading strikes and protests, drawing attention to the vast inequalities that exist in that country. But once the games began all eyes were on the field and any media coverage was quickly diverted.

The World Cup is one of those rare events that elicit such passion and devotion globally. It’s a reminder of our common humanity and the desire to be something greater than ourselves. This is also applicable to international development, which receives so little love and enthusiasm from the general public. How do we harness this World Cup energy to create a world that is concerned with the well-being of others? To shift the focus from soccer goals to international development wins? Tell us what you think!